
o1. > o2 . > o3. > o4 . >o5. > o6. > o7. > o8. > o9. > 10.

> sets

> o1.

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> o4.

> o5.

> o6.

> o7.

> o8.

> o9.

> 10.



When the Wall came down, prime real estate opened up, allowing such monuments to capitalism as the Sony Center (ceiling pictured here), demonstrating that German and Japanese efforts were now in near total alignment with those of (certain of) the forces that vanquished them in WWII.

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see also: Sony Center/Potsdamer Platz

vocabulary: Kapitalismus (Capitalism), Weltkrieg Zwei (World War Two)

Berlin Featurette is a special project made on assignment for All rights reversed.