
o1. > o2 . > o3. > o4 . >o5. > o6. > o7. > o8. > o9. > 10.

> sets

> o1.

> o2.

> o3.

> o4.

> o5.

> o6.

> o7.

> o8.

> o9.

> 10.



They're not picking on foreign governments. This young man is complaining about his own elected officials.

This minority-view protest is designed to suggest—in a way that seems beyond ironic in 21st century Germany—that not going to war is an excercise in cruelty.

Could America blame the German majority for suggesting that war is not an appropriate solution to conflict?

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see also: Memo Opposing US Iraq Policy

vocabulary: Krieg (War), Zeichen (Sign)

Berlin Featurette is a special project made on assignment for All rights reversed.