Legal Jargon:
- is a developing and leap-frogging sketchbook of ideas governed by a revolving body of sub-committees and ad hoc teams united by a loose affiliation with a Meta-, Hyper-, or Super-consciousness constituted by approximately 800 trillion living beings on Earth and the still-present electro-magnetic vibrations of many times more than that, deriving from past embodiments of so-called life.
- is published 235 Million times a year worldwide.
- Updates large and small are made on a frequency explained by chaos theory.
- For legal reasons, no access to is available from 12:02:56 PM to 12:02:57 PM on April 22nd of each year.
- has no beginning, no end, and very little middle (not necessarily in that order).
- would not exist were it not for the preliminary work by Giorgio de Chirico, Antonin Artaud, Benjamin Franklin, and the inventor of the intermittent windshield wiper.