annual report
another banner year for snakpak

snakpak's highly successful 2004 included many milestones, popular new features, and an overall redesign that pleased many, garnering rave reviews.

"a masterpiece," someone said he heard someone say.

"better than and ebay put together," another claimed to have heard someone claim to have heard.

things are getting interesting and snakpak songpak were the top rated new sections, and this image

was nominated for best picture of the year. tune in at oscar-time for the results.

as for the numbers (click for a full report), snakpak averaged over 5000 user sessions a month, with december being the most visited time period of them all (7720 sessions all told). thanks to all our visitors for making snakpak such a success -- even if you were only looking for funny posters from ("demotivators" was our top search term).

one final thought: in the year of the blog, snakpak couldn't care less.

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