de selby.

this thing is a person invented by an irish author—flann o'brien—pictured above. the character of de selby himself has no image, since he came from literature.

wikipedia explains a bit about this made-up person-thing: "de selby is the name of a fictitious irish philosopher and scientist, originally invented by flann o'brien for his novel the third policeman. de selby does not actually appear in the plot of the novel, but only in references and frequent footnotes, where his unorthodox theories and areas of research are, however tenuously, linked to the plot. (in one footnote, he attempts to dilute water; in another, he posits that night is caused by the accumulation of "black air".) de selby is heavily referenced in footnotes in this book, the longest of which takes up the bottom halves of eight pages and ends on a completely different note from the one on which it began." read more.
